Welcome to HypnoFit® Miranda NSW.
Miranda’s leading hypnotherapy clinic, led by experienced HypnoFit® Certified Therapist, Frances Bueno.
experienced therapists
Our therapists are experienced in multiple specialties and have completed intensive HypnoFit® certification training.
Modern, inviting
clinic spaces
Our warm, inviting clinic spaces are designed to relax and immerse you in your treatment.
Virtual sessions
Hypnotherapy can be done perfectly via Zoom, so we can treat you in the comfort of your own home.
Thousands of happy clients
The success rate of our clients is among the best in the industry and we have the testimonials to prove it.
I've lost 12kg and maintained my goal weight. Having the hypnotherapy recordings and food plan to refer to any time I need them is invaluable and well worth the money I invested. My metabolism has improved as I feel genuinely more satisfied and less hungry in a way I haven't felt for a long time.
My struggle with alcohol is greatly reduced to an occasional thought, and I'm feeling so much more peaceful in my body and mind."

HypnoFit trained my mind to realise a champion mindset when I need it most, my performances past treatment have been test of that and HypnoFit has passed with flying colours.
I have a way to think like a champion thanks to hypnofit; now I can enjoy my sport and feel like a champion. THANK YOU!”
Helen helped me visualise, look at the source, put things into perspective, and dissolve my anxiety. I highly recommend Helen, and will definitely return for tune-ups!”
Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss
Lose weight and keep it off with our safe and effective Virtual Gastric Band treatment.
Hypnotherapy for Anxiety
Experience our powerful 4-step Panic Attack Protocol and free yourself from panic attacks.
Hypnotherapy for Depression
Hypnotherapy for Smoking
Claim your free 30-minute strategy session with our specialist and transform your life today!
addictions, performance anxiety and a host of other challenges. Get in touch for a confidential chat.

Frances Bueno
Senior Hypnotherapist, HypnoFit® Miranda NSW
Frances is a clinical hypnotherapist who has helped hundreds of people live healthier and happier lives and achieve their goals. Her patients love her passion, enthusiasm and love-life attitude, and you will too.
Frances knows the biggest battle you face throughout life, is the one you face within yourself. She provides you with practical strategies for overcoming negative thoughts and self-sabotaging behaviours. Frances uses her clinical hypnotherapy skills to help you get rid of your past traumas and teaches you to take control of emotions such as anxiety, depression, frustration, anger, resentment and guilt once and for all so that you can live the life you truly deserve!

“At the start, I was in a pretty dark place. I was having suicidal thoughts to the point that I was put in the hospital. My sister reached out to Frances, and I came into the sessions pretty open-minded. I've done five sessions now, and I've dealt with my emotions and my grief. I'm quite grateful for everything I've got in my life. I'm positive and attracting nothing but good things lately. I'm quite happy about my experience. I can look back at those times in my life and feel like I've dealt with them.”
“For the first time in my entire life I know what it's like to be truly Rachael - to feel calm and relaxed. To know I can say no because it doesn't feel right or to say yes and embrace something because it feels right. I can now move forward in my life and embrace every opportunity. Helen has been a great guide and mentor to help me get to this place. The process is easy. The only thing you need to bring is the willingness to believe change will happen.”
“About six weeks ago, I decided to come along to see Helen regarding issues from my young childhood that I could work through. I was hoping for the benefits to reduce or come off antidepressants. I've found Helen to be such a caring and compassionate lady and very professional and knowledgeable. I had severe clinical depression, and I've halved my medication. I'm feeling fantastic - like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.”
“I really wanted to give up smoking, and I needed someone to help me. It's the best thing I've ever done. From that, I realised I needed help to be a better person in myself and not be so angry with the world. I've just done a five-week program with Helen, and all I can say is it's really changed my life. I feel happier, see things differently, and I'm not so hard on myself. I feel like my old self when I was a young girl.”
“Eighteen kilos ago, I never would have thought I would be this happy. I was sad and depressed and didn't want to come out of my bedroom. I don't know how to describe the feeling right now. I didn't think this would ever happen to me. I was always a bit against counselling and hypnotherapy; I didn't even know what it was. Hypnotherapy has been a real experience and has turned my life around.”
Claim your free 30-minute strategy session with our specialist and transform your life today!
performance anxiety and a host of other challenges. Get in touch for a confidential chat.
HypnoFit® Miranda Clinic
Frequently Asked Questions
Frances’ hypnotherapy clinic is located at 3/522 Kingsway, Miranda NSW 2228, Australia, in the centre of South Sydney, very close to Westfield and JB Hi-Fi. The Miranda train station is about 500m (or a six-minute walk) from the clinic for those taking public transport. If you’re coming from work in the city, the HypnoFit® Miranda clinic is an hour drive from Central Sydney.
The popular view of hypnosis usually comes from stage shows where people are put in a trance and are then made to do silly things without their knowledge or control. Real-life hypnosis is nothing like that and has the much more practical purpose of helping people improve their lives by assisting them to enter a heightened state of focused awareness in which positive suggestions are more likely to be accepted by their subconscious mind.
The process of hypnotherapy involves a HypnoFit® specialist consultant inducing a trance-like state, similar to daydreaming, via the process of hypnosis, and then, once the conscious mind has been switched off the consultant will begin the process of identifying the origin of the problem behaviour.
Once a clear sense of the underlying issue has been determined our consultants begin the process of eliminating these negative emotions by sharing seven simple steps with the client.
Experts agree that many psychological and emotional factors buried within the subconscious are the cause of physical and psychological manifestations that become stressors in our daily lives once we become aware of them. Everything from overeating, smoking, nail biting, depression, anxiety and phobias stem from an emotional experience, which had a negative connotation.
Hypnotherapy seeks to resolve problems that may often appear to be part of your makeup, but feel outside of your control. The benefits of freeing oneself of something that consumes so much of our daily thoughts and actions can be a revelation and in most cases can change a person’s ability to perform at their work or even engage socially with the world around them.
The length of this process will depend on the complexity and severity of your problem. Your hypnotherapy treatment will be as short as we can make it to be effective, but as long as it needs to be to be permanent. We don’t cut corners, nor do we drag out the process unnecessarily.
We’ll start with an initial consultation where we’ll go through what will happen at future sessions in order to put your mind at rest. More importantly, we’ll spend some time discussing your problems and aims so we can discover what you want to achieve and how we’re going to succeed in doing that. This first hypnotherapy session will prepare you for later ones and alter your perspective, so you’re fully ready for later advancement.